Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed. I guess thats what moving to a competely unfamiliar city does to you. In the end my choices for university would be to be overwhelmed or extremely under whelmed.
In this moment right now my lungs feel crushed and its hard to breathe. I want to scream, I just want to let the stress out. I'm bound to go nuts. I sort of want to cry like a baby.
Anyways its not that i'm having a bad time, its been pretty awesome. Its just that i feel lost.


Amandasaurus said...

this feeling, believe it or not, happens to all of us. I went to school in-state and I still feel it sometimes. Something that usually helps me is getting outside, doing something active with people I care about. I'm not an athlete or anything, and it's usually really hard to convince myself to take that initiative, but once I do, the act of being busy helps me get my head on straight =)

Well, I was just stopping by to wish you a happy new year and to thank you for following my blog this past year. I am making the switch to WordPress, so if you're interested, that's where you can find me.

For my creative works and dreams, please visit silvertonguedserenade.wordpress.com; for coffee reviews, madbarista.wordpress.com; and for illustrated life stories, mandarinblue.wordpress.com.

I hope that university becomes a joy rather than a burden for you in the coming year, and that things will be sorted out with the indecisive male mentioned in your other post.

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